Dirty Ol' Egg-Suckin' Vornskr

I won't explain the title of this entry, save for the fact that I heard this song over the network this weekend.

So I talked to Grandpa Jair, and he'll be out here in a week. I'm excited. He'd been out here a couple of times in his younger days, so I'm interested to see how much Tatooine has changed. Probably not much.

Last week was pretty busy. Some pirates ambushed a few cruise ships along the space lines between Denon and Naboo. Apparently the cruise line powers that be had decided to not follow established hyperspace lanes and forge their own path. Not very smart.

For those who may not know, Denon is smack-dab in the middle of an intersection of two well-used trade routes: The Corellian Run and the Hydian Way. Most liners, because of pirates and other unsavory space types, will travel either the Corellian Run from Denon to Kelvaan (or close to it, anyways) and then cut over to Naboo. If they take the Hydian Way, they'll travel that as far as Malastare, and the take a short jump to Naboo from there. You could also go straight to Naboo from Denon, between the two lanes, but because that area is less traveled, there is a greater risk of being stopped by criminals.

This particular line, which I'll not mention as a professional courtesy, had chosen to disregard that, and paid the price. I flew out to Naboo and Denon last week to cover the story (I'm sure you saw the NewsLine report). The interesting thing was that the pirates somehow managed to get an interdictor cruiser, which I didn't think was possible, what with the Empire cracking down on military-grade equipment in the hands of non-military people. From what I understand, the Pirates successfully raided and looted three cruisers (not all at the same time), and disappeared. I'm still working on it, but I'm willing to bet the raiders had some inside information that tipped them off to the fact that the cruisers would be coming. They probably completed their looting, regrouped on their ships, and then took a short jump just past sensor range of the cruisers before heading back to whatever base they used to unload their booty. Arrrrr. Anyway, the trip was a nice distraction from the boredom that sets in here in Anchorhead.

Went to the Weary Traveler with some friends Saturday night. Everyone had just gotten paid, so the place was pretty busy. Well, as busy as an Anchorhead cantina can be. Vynn was really trying to pick up our Twi'lek female server, and I admired her tenacity in shooting him down. I think he finally got a picture when she had a serving 'droid take her place. I left her a nice tip for her efforts. We all had a shot of Cassandran brandy together when my news bit came on the Holovid. It was fun. Dhagon's birthday is in two weeks, so I can't imagine the piss-up we'll have then. Look out, Anchorhead.

Sooooo...not much else going on here. The only reason I got to go on my work trip is because Naboo is close to Tatooine, and we're on the Corellian Run. But it was nice to get away, nice to have something to do besides moisture farm reports and police reports.

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