Welcome...leave your shoes at the door

You may not know who I am, and it just struck me that you may not care. My name is Joruth Jair Kayle. I'm Commenorian by birth, but somehow, through some gross misfortune, I ended up on this lifeless rock on the ass-end of the Galaxy. The Outer Rim. Tatooine.


This is a log and record of my life, and you have no idea how inadequate I now feel having said that. But I guess this is a way for me to describe how it feels to be me during these turbulent times.

So let's begin at the beginning. Like I said, I was born on Commenor, where my family has lived for centuries. I grew up in Anteluma, known for it's athletic events, and I became a fan of limmie (or bolo-ball) at an early age (I still try to catch matches on the holo whenever I can). During school I played for our team, and I guess we were okay. My dad worked in sales for the Corellian Engineering Corp, and my mother was a sentient-rights activist, so I grew up around all kind of alien races. Sometimes my dad would take me on business trips with him, and I got to see some of the aliens in their own worlds, which was pretty cool. My first girlfriend was a magenta-skinned Zeltron named Naala. 

Whaaaaaaaaat! Yeah.

A Zeltron as your first romantic relationship. Great Xendar's minions, was I out of my league.  We had some good times together, but then I went to college and her family moved, I don't know, somewhere else. I'm not really sure where.

Anyway, I went to the University of Commenor and got a degree in journalism with a specialty in non-human relations. I was thinking, you know, get a job for the government or something, which was a stupid idea anyway, because they're all Imperial xenophobes, or maybe work for the HoloNet news or Coruscant News Network or something.

I did end up working for CNN, but when I refused (for the third time) to slant a story of mine to play a more anti-alien angle, I was sacked. I mean, you know how it starts. First it's "Hey, we're all in this together," except that for some folks you're actually not, and they wouldn't have it that way anyway. Then it's, "Well let's put a slightly pro-human take, because humans are a virtual majority in the galaxy," and then it's a straight-up "anti-alien" bent. And I've spent my entire life around non-humans, and they're great. At the end of the day we're all the same.

So anyway, there I was, freshly unemployed. I had little money, no place to live, and no ticket home. So I found a freighter crew that would take me with them in exchange for my services as a crew member. After spending six months loading and unloading ships, I ended up on Tatooine.

I live in Anchorhead, which is decidedly nicer (read: cleaner and safer, but more boring) than Mos Eisley. I'm just working for Sektor 242 NewsLine, mostly doing moisture farm reports and other Tatooine news. Sometimes I'll cover podraces and swoop races, and sometimes I get to travel off-planet, which is awesome. But for the most part I just hang out here and work. I've got a little house, and as long as the gizkas stay out and the local watering hole stays well-stocked, I'm okay for now.

Anyway, that's my life in a nutshell.

So what's up today? Not a lot.

SoroSuub Corporation is coming out with a new moisture vaporator, and since they haven't really broken into that market they're spending a lot of money on marketing and advertising to the moisture farmers out here, which is the bulk of Tatooine's economy. I've been working with some of the local SoroSuub reps on a story that I'm doing for an upcoming beamcast. They've got a tough sell, if I do say so myself. Most of the farmers here use the older-but-proven GX-8 vaporators, and they don't necessarily take kindly to change. SoroSuub will have to walk the walk if they're going to make headway here.

In other news, Wayfar had a small resurgence of Bledsoe's Disease, which caused quite the panic, from what I hear. Fortunately the local medical facility was able to quarantine the sick before the disease spread any further, and I hear things are settling down again.

I know this is really boring. Hopefully I'll have more to write later on. Some of the other reporters are going out for a drink tonight, so I might tag along if I don't have a ton of other work to do.

Keep it real, friends. I sure am.



Jabbz the one and only said...

hey dude just read ur first blog.
i probably are gonna keep in touch

The Storyteller said...

Thanks, man. :) I'll try to keep it interesting. Kind of like the "lonelygrl15" of the Star Wars world.