Have you ever thought you were meant to do something other than what you're doing right now? I mean, I know it's silly because
everyone loves their jobs and their lives, and nobody would ever want to change.
I'm kidding.
I like being a journalist. I like the travel, I love writing (obviously). I enjoy the variety I get in the stories I can write. Most of the time it's really boring, but every once in a while the Hutts will have someone vaped or spaced, and then it gets interesting. I remember a few years ago one of Jabbas bookies thought he could skim a little off the top. One day the Anchorhead cops found a pile of limbs in the middle of the city, right outside the market. That caused quite a stir. And another time someone from off-planet tried to muscle in on Hutt turf. This guy hijacked a couple of freighters and made off with a few hundred thousand in spice, and the rumor mill had it that the guy was going to be doing a little business with, shall we say, a Rodian...pleasure...establishment in town. He was trying to be subtle, coming to sleepy little Anchorhead. Well, news spreads like a sandstorm around here, so practically within hours of the news hitting the town, one could see the bounty hunters materializing out of the ferrocrete. I never saw what happened to the rival guy. He just disappeared, probably into the sarlacc.
Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. I like journalism. But when I was a kid, I loved art. I used to sculpt, draw, paint, make my own holograms with different coloured light-pens, all that stuff. I've always wanted to get back into that, but I'm always busy. Actually I'm not, but I'm never inspired at home. Maybe it's a restless spirit, but I always feel like there's something more out there, and I'm not going to find it on Tatooine. So if I'm stuck on a planet I hate, I may as well make the best of it by
imagining other places. This is where art comes in.
Tomorrow I leave for Tatooine. Today I'm going over to Sienn's place. She is a classically trained dancer (she learned the
Coruscanti style at the academy on Coruscant...she's that good), so she's going to show me her art, and I'm going to attempt to capture her using my art. Trying to decide if I should use a graphite and a flimsy pad, or if I should bring my light pens. Anyway, if it's any good, I'll post what I made later on.
Got a call from my friend Vynn today. He knows a guy in Mos Espa who knows a guy who owns a shipyard, and the guy just got a couple of nice used Starhome family-style cruisers in, so they might be able to swing me a deal, especially since I work for NewsLine. All I need now is some piloting lessons, but Vynn said he could help me out with that too.
Well, gotta go shower. Catch you all later.