It ain't easy being...blue?

Holy crap! I'm in love!

I went out with Callie yesterday. She's been invited to this really fancy ball by her on-and-off boyfriend in the Chasin City Constabulary, and needed a male opinion for a gown she wanted. She casually says, with a look on her face like she's trying to hid her intentions but not so much that I miss them, "So Jorey, you know that friend I want you to meet?"

"Friend? Or friends?"

"Friend. Well, She's going to meet us at the dress shop."


"She? What are you onto?"

"Onto? Me? Come on, don't flatter yourself. I just want you to meet her. You'll think she's cool."


So we're in the dress shop, and while Callie is trying on a nice, shimmery cream-coloured gown, I hear the door chime ring. It's a small shop, so naturally I turn around to see who it was.

My jaw hit the FLOOR as in walks the most beautiful Twi'lek I have ever seen. Gorgeous, smooth light blue skin, dark eyes, and wearing a burgundy dress that looked stunning on her! Flowed where it needed to, and hugged her in all the right places. She wore a matching head-wrap thing that looked really good too. And she has freckles! Freckles! I nearly died. And with the grace of a dancer and the confidence of a boss, she walked up, shook my hand and said, "You must be Jorey. I'm Sienn."

Then Callie walked out with a big grin on her face, like she planned for things to happen that way. The little shit.  We hung out all afternoon, and then in the evening Callie's boyfriend Rollo met up with us and we went dancing. Afterwards he took Callie home, and Sienn and I started walking.

She told me about growing up on Ryloth, was impressed that I knew more than your average tauntaun about Twi'lek customs (or that I gave a shit), and filled me in on what's wrong with the local music scene. Of course, she could have been talking about the innards of a rancor and it would have sounded like poetry to me. I was so happy just to be walking next to such a majestic creature in the first place. A couple of times her lekku (their headtails, for the xenophysiologically challenged) brushed up against my arm, and it felt...well...electric. And I really like that she's her own woman, too, you know? She goes where she wants. She says what she wants. She does what she wants, and nobody's gonna tell her what or when or how.  I wasn't expecting anything to happen when I dropped her off, despite the perfect chemistry, and when we got to her apartment door she shook my hand again, gave me this wry grin and a look that spoke volumes and said, "See you around, Spacer." Then she punched me on the shoulder.

 And. I. Fell. In. Love.

Stars above, I am so...AAAAAAAAAAARGH!!! And she digs me! Callie called me today, and I guess Sienn called her when she got home and the chatted for a bit. Do you have any idea how good that feels, after spending years living around what feels like a...er...a relationship desert..(maybe that's too literal)...to have a nice girl that's confident and smart and hot take interest in you? It's like winning the lotto. No! It's better!

Man alive.


 Sienn and Jorey.

 I like that.

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