Life Goes On and Off Again...

Ladies and gentlemen, sentients and droids (though if any droids read this I'll be surprised),

I am, at long last, a qualified pilot.

With a ship.

 I took my test two weeks ago, brought the result data down to the Imperial License Bureau in Bestine, and walked out with a lovely little license card.

I took that lovely little license card down to Vynn's friend's shipyard and plunked down some cold, hard cash on that YT-1210 I saw a couple of months ago.  I took Ryns with me (he's the guy who gave me the lessons), and he helped me look the ship over.  Like any old ship, it needs some work, but the main systems are in good order.  I'm getting better at working the navicomputer, and I've done some short hops through the system.  I've decided to name her Anteluma Skyline.  I know, it's boring and sentimental, but I'm not building a warship, and I'm not looking to get into scrapes or smuggle with her.  When I get a chance I'll take the ship back home for a while.

But not any time soon.  Why, you ask?  I got a promotion at work!  I am now an editor/producer for the whole Arkanis Sector.  No more farm reports for me!  The bummer is that I'll be a little more out of touch with the goings on around here, but I'll be able to travel, use my own ship, and of course the pay rise is nice as well.  I'm also excited about developing a whole new set of skills.  I'll not only be writing the stories, but I'll be editing the holovids as well.

So that's kind of fun.

Well, I should go.  Remember that pirate raid I told you about a few months ago?  The one where they used the interdictor cruiser?  They've traced the pirates to a group on Najiba, so I get to go to some of the neighbouring systems and interview people.  I'm going to Arkanis (the sector seat), Huldamun, and Cadezia, and hopefully I can stop on Trulalis and catch a show or something...really good theatre there!